Thanks very much for your interest in the personalized business birthday cards services of Cards For Your Clients.
We do much more than personalized business birthday cards.

In addition, we also print and mail your personalized thank you cards, holiday cards at Christmas and other special occasion cards.
Here are more details on our full service greeting card program.
Buying one nice greeting card at any store will cost you probably $4.00-$5.00.
Add to that the time you spend writing your greeting.
And don’t forget to add in your postage, driving time to the store to buy your cards and your trip to the post office.
We can help you show clients how much you appreciate them and their business.
Even better, we’ll do all the work for you and for about half the price.
You’ll love our full-service program.
You can have your own personalized business birthday cards, thank you cards, holiday cards and more designed, printed and mailed.
We can send your cards to clients, customers or even to remember your employees on their birthdays.
Plus you don’t have to do any of the work with our full-service program.
We monitor your Excel list every day and make sure your birthday cards are printed and mailed on time.
Best of all, your personalized cards cost $1.77 per card plus $0.58 cents first class postage. Total $2.35 per card.
Personalized Business Birthday Cards Done Easy
It’s easy to get started. We make it simple and quick for you.
- We’ll send you a selection of current birthday cards available or we can make a custom card front for you
- Your personalized cards feature the recipient’s first name.
- Your customized cards can include a photo, logo or digitized signature(s).
- You choose how you want your greeting to read inside your card.
- Let us know how you want your return address to read on the envelope.
- Send us your Excel list with: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Birthday
- That’s it! We’re ready to start printing and mailing your personalized business birthday cards and other cards. Like we said quick and easy for you.
- We monitor your contact list daily and handle all birthday card printing and mailing for you.
- You receive an end of the month e-mail greeting card report detailing all activity in your account.
- No sign-up fees to open your account.
- Bonus: All contact updates (adding or deleting) to your contact list done for free. No charge. It’s part of our service to you
Making Your Life Easier To Show Client Appreciation
We help make your personalized business birthdays cards or any occasion card sending simple to show your clients and customers how much you appreciate them and their business.
Cards For Your Clients has been helping our clients, customers and employers show caring and appreciation for over 10 years.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you are ready to get started.
Or perhaps we can answer a question or serve your business in another way.
Do-It-Yourself: Save Even More Money?
Our state of the art do-it-yourself greeting card system is built especially for you, the business owner.
This special business membership features personalized greeting cards, many different types of gourmet foods, gift cards, laser engraved gifts and so much more.
It features special masterclasses for those in the real estate and insurance industries
Details are available by visiting